Prophetic Dreams

Book of Symbols Dream

I was walking down a forest path with very tall trees,  there was a carved marble bence of the side of the path  ...   and I saw a book on the bence in front of me. It was a thick book, and quite enticing to look at.

I walked over to it and opened it.

I just knew that the book held the secrets of the Universe in it's pages

There were letters in an alphabet which was quite foreign to me.

It look like Hebrew, although I knew that it wasn't, those kinds of characters. . . .

I was puzzled as I looked at these symbols and wondered what it would be like if I could read them.

I thought  "wow, this books have the Universal Secrets and I can't even understand the writing"

I dream imagined  that it could not be too difficult to, somehow figure this language out


As I looked at the book a funny thing began to happen, the "letters" began to move slowly across the page, animated.

"great"  I thought "now these letters are moving around,"  I did not give up

            I rememer thinking "oh great now the are moving,"  This added a new wrinkle of curiousity to this book

as I watched in amazement the letters began moving faster and faster. . .

"not only moving, but now with acceleration,"


I tried and tried to make some sence out of the flowing letters now splashing so quickly that they were beginning

to blur one into the other.

I was becoming very frustrated and annoyed at not knowing what was going on.


Then I decided not to try to make "sence" out of this rushing stream of characters.

"as fast as you want" I let go. 

As I did this, I just relaxed and watched the flowing letters as I may have

been watching a flowing stream in the forest.


And then It happened, I began to understand what the words were telling me, everything became clear,

understanding flowed into my relaxed mind. . . .and I knew everything and was satiated and fullfilled

I realized that this dream was saying that there are different speeds of awareness in everyone 

and if you let the info just come in on its own speed

it finds the proper sensitivity receptive to the knowing.